Top 5 Tips For Lead Nurturing Using Video

lead nurturing

So you have steady leads for your product or service but most of them never convert into sales. What’s missing? Lead nurturing is the practice of servicing leads to bring them around (or revive them, so to speak) and guide them to exactly what they want – your product. Modern lead nurturing strategies are under development as we speak, and the best of them involve video. 

Say you’ve developed your sales funnel or email marketing campaign and are starting to get lots of leads, that’s great. But according to, almost 80% of new leads never become sales. That’s where lead nurturing comes into play. It’s a simple process – taking care of the leads you have. Luckily, we have video technology on our side to get the job done.

Maybe you feel like you have enough leads and you don’t need to be babying any of them. Just take what you get, get the share of buying customers and be happy. This may work short term, but in the long run you’re setting yourself up to do much more work than is necessary to develop new leads and convert them into buying and loyal customers. Take care of the leads you have, every one of them, and watch your business grow. Here’s how to do it with video:

Start Using Personalized Video Emails

This marketing technique can be used to contact and engage segments of your audience that have already acted on a call to action. For example, sending a thank you video to all those who signed up for a webinar or viewed a particular page on your site. The video they would get following their action could thank them for stopping by, ask them to participate in a two-question survey, or offer them a relevant product that adds value to the content the lead just experienced.

This type of email has been said to generate up to six times higher revenue per email than non-personalized emails. Combining the personalized aspects of email marketing with video has the potential to increase revenue to an even higher degree.

Maintain Consistent Video Content

One of the best ways to nurture your leads is to give them the content they want in a consistent manner. A monthly vlog update, a weekly livestream ‘question of the week’ or any other dynamic use of video is a winning match because your customers come to expect and look forward to it. In fact, many people already have a regular vlog on YouTube just for their business. This can be easily shared to your leads so they, too, can learn about your product or service and get attached to your brand.

To study a perfect example of using a vlog for video marketing, let Tim Schmoyer of Video Creators show you how:

It’s also helpful to know that many video marketing strategies for nurturing leads will need to involve multiple ‘touches’. While the buyer’s journey for every product and service can be quite different, research from the Marketing Lead Management Report indicates that on average, prospects receive ten marketing touches from the time they enter the top of funnel until a sale is made.

Lead Nurturing Using Livestream

If you want a video marketing strategy that stands out from the crowd, try using livestreaming as your next best tool. First, create a quick video to notify your audience that you will be going live and dishing out amazing content at whatever time you think your target market will be able to attend. Remember to create a strong call to action in your livestream multiple times to help guide your engaged lead.

Analyze Video Stats

An important part of the lead nurturing process is paying attention to the statistical information about your video. Segmenting your leads is really like nurturing. You are guiding different segments of your audience to narrow down their likes and dislikes, and buying behaviors. Analyze your video and see who clicks off after the first ten seconds. For those that clicked away, this content was not for them. So try something else with this segment. For those that watched the full video, send them additional content and offers that would naturally follow the previous video.

lead nurturing emails

Video Tutorials and Series

There is no doubt that videos have wide appeal. And you can offer your audience value packed video content that teaches them something they want to know. Use a video invite to make them feel special or send out a teaser. Then you can tell them what they will get out of your video tutorial. Always include a call to action. One of the trendiest calls to action in 2017 is the use of a “Watch Video” button where leads can click to get additional information.

Lead nurturing is about helping your audience learn, not selling. Take the opportunity that video provides and nurture your leads so they come to know and love your brand.

The benefits of lead nurturing campaigns are widely recognized. Even so, an Email Marketing Benchmark Report states that only 36% of marketers actively nurture their sales leads. Many of those are not even using video. Are you ready to nurture your leads in the best way possible? Join us at Valoso and start using video today and convert more leads into buyers.