11 Beginner Video Editing Tips for iMovie for Novice Editors

video editing tips for imovie

Planning on filming an event and editing it yourself? Free software options like Apple iMovie are actually a lot more versatile than most people think. If you want to edit your own videos like an expert, take a look at these video editing tips for iMovie before getting started.

Before attempting to edit your own videos, be sure to watch or read at least one basic iMovie tutorial. iMovie has are so many features, buttons and gadgets that it can be hard to keep up with sometimes. Checking out some quick video editing tips for iMovie beforehand will be worth the time investment.

1. Nail Your Transitions

video editing tips for imovie

Inserting transitions appears simple, but they can actually be difficult to work with when editing a video. Under the Window tab in the toolbar, access the Content Library and select Transitions. Then, choose from a variety of creative transitions to thread into your movie.

2. Designate with Clip Markers

video editing tips for imovie

Using markers during the editing process will maximize your efficiency when editing. With iMovie, you do not have to keep a notebook of video times that need editing or sloppily edit in chronological order. Instead, watch your entire video one or two times, pause where you want edits, and insert markers to come back to later.

3. Color Match Your Shots

video editing tips for imovie

Online video editing tips for iMovie teach us that color matching can be the best solution to perfecting the scenery in a video. If your shots don’t match up in color, viewers may be dissatisfied. Fix the mistakes caused by varied lighting or shadowing by selecting thevideo editing tips for imovieicon and choosing two shots to color match.

4. Insert Freeze Frames to Emphasize Scenes

video editing tips for imovie

Especially if you are creating a tutorial video, inserting freeze frames can give your movie more clarity. If you want to emphasize a scene, insert a freeze frame by clicking on “Modify” on the toolbar. Then, select “Add Freeze Frame” from the dropdown menu. Try to find unique ways to incorporate freeze frames to keep your audience interested.

5. Stabilize Your Footage

video editing tips for iMovie

If you used a tripod during filming, you can probably ignore this step. If your footage is even a little bit shaky, click on the video editing tips for imovie icon to enable stabilization. Set the percentage of stabilization depending on how shaky your footage is, then check the “Stabilize Shaky Video” box.

6. Use Your Mac to the Max

video editing tips for imovie

If you have Mac apparatus like a trackpad, GoPro, or iPhone, use them. Learn trackpad commands on iMovie. For example, pinch and zoom to expand clips, or use three fingers to move around videos. Import footage directly from your iPhone or GoPro. Rumors even hint that Apple might incorporate VR in the near future. Who knows what this could do for iMovie?

7. Increase the Clip Size
video editing tips for imovie

When you first upload footage, iMovie automatically sets the clip size to minimum length. Therefore, you must manually increase the clip size by dragging the scale at the bottom right corner of the project screen. Increasing your clip size will enable you to execute more precise editing, which will pay off in the finished movie.

8. Play Around with Color Correction

video editing tips for iMovie mac

In addition to color matching, click on thevideo editing for imovie macicon to color correct your shots. Especially if your filming is a little dreary or overly bright, color correcting can help soften the image. Making your video more visually appealing will set it up for success on any digital platform.

9. Learn Keyboard Shortcuts

video editing tips for imovie

Even if you are a traditionalist, iMovie keyboard shortcuts can actually save a lot of time once you get them down. Instead of right-clicking or frequently searching through the toolbar, follow these basic shortcuts:

  • Cut selected clip: ⌘B
  • Add marker: M
  • Zoom in / out: = or ⌘-
  • Add freeze frame: ⌥F

10. Invest Time in Audio Editing.

video editing tips for imovie

Audio makes up a large part of your final product. Invest time into audio editing: insert voiceovers, detach audio from video, and overlap or fade audio clips. Turn on audio skimming under “View” in the top toolbar to detect audio easier. You can also adjust the volume of the audio files by dragging the yellow-green horizontal line in each audio clip.

11. Just Use the Magic Wand.

video editing tips for imovie

You don’t have to be a pro editor with background knowledge on lighting, shadowing, contrast, and shot composition to use iMovie. One of the most effective video editing tips for iMovie is to simply click on the magic wand enhancement iconvideo editing tips for imovieto reveal automatic suggested edits. Then, you can make manual adjustments accordingly if necessary.

Go Beyond Video Editing Tips for iMovie:  How to Achieve Pro Quality Video Editing

If you have professional video editing skills, Valoso offers a freelancing marketplace for skilled editors to make money using their skills. All you have to do is go to Valoso and register as a freelancer. You can also sign up as a videographer if you have film equipment!

If you want to do more with your videos, consider hiring skilled video editors to work on your footage. Valoso offers a marketplace of professional freelancers who can deliver a final product unlike anything that can be accomplished with free software like iMovie.

Interested in creating a professional quality video? Go beyond the video editing tips for iMovie above and click on the banner below for a free video project quote from our team.

video editing tips for iMovie