16 Tips to Grow Your YouTube Subscribers

YouTube subscribers
Image by Lifehack

YouTube subscribers. We all want them. Learning how to get more subscribers on YouTube is essential for your business since YouTube is the top video website in the world, with over seven billion video views a day. So it’s not a surprise that every growing business wants to know how to get more YouTube subscribers.

If your business keeps coming out with the right content, but simply can’t find out how to get a lot of subscribers on YouTube, you must reevaluate your video marketing approach. Following the right steps to amplify your exposure and conversion rates will increase your YouTube subscribers.

Whether you are wondering how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube, how to get 100 subscribers on YouTube, or simply how to get lots of subscribers on YouTube, we can help. Read the expert tips below to learn how to get YouTube subscribers so your business can thrive.

Tips for Growing Your YouTube Subscribers

1. Be creative.

YouTube subscribers
Image by Scott Sheppard via It’s Alive in the Lab

YouTube is the epitome of creativity. Make sure your business brainstorms unique ideas so audiences will be intrigued and have a reason to subscribe. If you are itching to know how to get subscribers on YouTube fast, creativity is the key.

2. Use an intro and outro for all your videos.

A creative intro and outro are essential to amping up your YouTube subscribers. Insert second-long clips at the beginning and end of your videos to explain your channel and encourage subscriptions.

3. Upload more often.

You don’t have to upload every single day, but make sure your channel library is chock full of valuable content. Also, if a person subscribes–he will expect more content!

4. Customize your channel.

You should have an appealing and not generic profile picture, background image, and channel art, with customized links, bios, and video descriptions.

5. Create an upload schedule.

Once you have decided to upload more often, determine when you will upload. Weekly? Twice weekly? Which days? We don’t recommend uploading less than once a week because, once again, subscribers want content.

6. Be organic.

YouTube subscribers
Image by Mitie

All successful YouTubers know how to get free subscribers on YouTube: organic growth. Only organic (promoted, not purchased!) growth prospers because viewers will always take into account your honesty before subscribing.

7. Use appealing titles and thumbnails.

Two things trigger your potential audience to watch your video or not: titles and thumbnails. Make sure your video title and thumbnail are relevant so your audience is enticed to watch the video.

8. Make your videos professional.

If your videos are unprofessional–blurry, shaky, or difficult to hear–no one will take your business seriously. Only when you professionally edit your videos will potential audiences want to watch them. If you need help professionally editing your videos, check out Valoso, where you can have any video perfected on your own terms by skilled editors.

9. Track your data.

If you don’t know how to see your subscribers on YouTube, simply go to your “Creator Studio” and look in the top right corner for your number of subscribers. Account for this data regularly to know if your channel is growing or declining.

10. Do your homework.

Knowing how to get YouTube subscribers is difficult if you don’t make an effort to learn. Obtain more in-depth knowledge about YouTube and video marketing strategies by always searching out new information (like this great article).

11. Allow embedding.

youtube subscribers

When you choose to allow embedding on your videos, then viewers can take the link to your video and spread it on their blogs, websites, social media posts, etc.

12. Create a channel trailer.

A channel trailer is sort of like an “About” page but a lot more fun. Express your channel’s exuberance and creativity in a channel trailer, then promote this video like crazy to find new subscribers.

13. Prioritize subscribers.

Like this Tech.Co article recommends, you must prioritize your subscribers if you wish to see growth. Make your channel centered around increasing your fan base, not your profit.

14. Study others.

Along with reading new articles, study cases, books, etc., you should also conduct your own research by studying other successful YouTube channels. Look at every aspect of their channels and incorporate that knowledge into your YouTube strategy.

15. Perfect your SEO.

With the right keywords and SEO strategy, your potential audience can discover you more easily on YouTube, Google, and Bing search engines.

16. Make your brand social.

YouTube subscribers
Image by 3 Rivers Marketing Group

The fifteen tips listed above are basically all for naught if you don’t have a social brand. No one will subscribe to your channel if you don’t connect with them.

If you want to see results with your YouTube channel, you must take action. Try following just one of the tips above and see how it impacts your business. Move from there and start adding more of these tips to your daily video marketing strategies. Get started today–and don’t forget to check out Valoso for more help with your videos!