How to Interpret Your Event Video Analytics on YouTube

event video analytics

We all want more conversions on our event videos. Whether our goal is to skyrocket attendance, secure sponsors, or promote a brand, we can all benefit from event video analytics.

The benefits of video analytics are unprecedented in today’s day and age. Furthermore, event video analytics solutions are more accessible than ever. If you want to know how to make the most of your YouTube video stats, follow the guide below.

Where to View YouTube Video Analytics

event video analytics

YouTube provides its own basic video analytics for creators, viewable under YouTube Analytics. However, other video analytics tools can provide a more in-depth and integrative experience. Take a look at these top services for event video analytics:

  1. ChannelMeter
  2. Vidooly
  3. Socialbakers
  4. Cyfe
  5. Dasheroo

Now that you know where to look for your video analytics, proper interpretation of these analytics is key to reach your event objectives. The tips below are centered on Chapter 17 of Valoso’s Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing—read the free guide here.

Interpreting Event Video Analytics

1. View duration

Definition: The average length of time a viewer watches your video for.

If your view duration is high, your video does a good job at keeping the viewer enthralled. An uninterested viewer will click out of an event video in a snap. However, high view duration rates means you are hooking your viewers with relevant points, intriguing promises, and engaging content.

If your view duration is low, your video disinterests the viewer within seconds. This means you are not presenting enough valuable content for your viewer to care. To increase your average view duration, target interested viewers, avoid overbearing intros, and keep your viewers on the edge of their seats till the end of the video.

2. Demographics

Definition: The population and statistical groups that make up your viewers.

Demographics may not seem like the most important video statistic to converting viewers. However, events are founded on the people that attend them. Targeting a specific type of viewer helps increase relevancy in the search engines and track down your potential event attendees.

Event video analytics technology can help you market specifically to people who you know will be interested in your video. Once you view your demographics analytics on YouTube, you know how to tailor your promotion strategy. For example, women use Pinterest more than men, and millennials use Periscope more than older audiences.

3. View Count

Definition: The number of times people watch your video. On YouTube, a view is counted after 30 seconds.

If your view count is high, this means you are doing A-ok on promotion. View count plays a role in video analytics basics. It doesn’t tell you a lot of in-depth details about your video, but view count does reveal the overall interest in your event video.

If your view count is low, increase it by changing your video promotion strategy. Diversify your promotion tactics and platforms. Pitch your video to niche authorities. Pay attention to other video analytics metrics to determine what viewers do and do not like about your video.

4. Feedback

event video analytics

Definition: The collection of authentic reactions a video receives from its viewers, most commonly in the form of likes and dislikes.

If your feedback is good, your video is valued directly and consistently by the viewer. YouTube’s new algorithm values quality over quantity. This means your channel and event videos will rank higher if they receive more likes and positive comments.

If your feedback is poor, your viewers do not like something about your video. Most of the time, dislikes on a video are a result of irrelevant content, misleading title or thumbnail, controversial content, or poor video quality or editing.

5. Click-through rate (CTR)

Definition: The ratio of viewers who click on a call-to-action (CTA) within your video to the number of views that CTA received.

If your CTR is high, your CTA is compelling. A CTA in an event video most commonly includes annotations to your event website or a link to your event registration page. This also means your target audience is interested in your event and your brand.

If your CTR is low, your CTA does not seem worth it to the viewer. Make sure to effectively communicate the benefits of following your CTA to the viewer. Otherwise, you must reassess your event to determine if your viewers are really responsive to what you have to offer.

6. Social Sharing

Definition: A blanket video analytics term to describe the number of times your video was shared on social platforms.

If your social sharing is high, your video content is shareable. Shareable content is relevant and valuable in some way (entertaining, informative, etc.). Evaluate where you get most of your social shares to determine which platforms are best for promotion within your niche.

If your social sharing is low, your video lacks appeal to a wider audience. Viewers do not want to share your event video because they do not consider it relevant or valuable. To increase shares, follow video analytics market trends and rethink your video production and promotion tactics.

7. Traffic sources

Definition: An overview of the sources (i.e., websites, platforms, communication systems) that send traffic to your video.

Analyzing your traffic sources can be one of the best uses of video analytics. With this information, you discover where to most effectively promote your events and event videos in the future.

For example, you may receive 67% of your video traffic from Facebook and 4% of your traffic from Twitter. This information tells you to focus more on developing your Facebook video marketing strategy and less on your Twitter promotion.

8. Play Rate

event video analytics

Definition: The ratio of times your video was viewed to the number of times your video was presented.

If your play rate is high, this means your video is appealing in some manner. An attractive thumbnail and title espouse greater play rates and interactions with your video. A high play rate may also mean that you present your video in personal and compelling locations.

If your play rate is low, your video appears unappealing or not worth the viewer’s time. To change this, consider trying a video analytics heat map. Make sure your video catches the viewer’s attention in any platform that it is presented on (e.g., if it is promoted on Facebook, make your video stand out with a rad thumbnail and an interesting title).

Improving Your Event Video Analytics

Because it’s all about quality over quantity nowadays, you want to make sure to provide your video viewers with the best video out there. If you plan on recording video at an event or if you are in need of video editing for your event promotion video, consider Valoso.

Fill out the contact form below to get started with planning your next event!