4 Types of Event Managers: Which One Are You? [Quiz]

event managers

No matter your background, all event managers are united in one purpose. Events are becoming a worldwide phenomenon. From conferences to conventions to personal events like weddings, events are booming even more in the 21st century.

Every large event needs an event manager; do you fit the bill? If you want to discover what kind of management personality you wield, take the quiz below to see how your responses stack up.

What Type of Event Manager Are You?

1. The Organizer

event managers organizer

#1 Goal: Anchor the event.

Top attributes:

  • Detail-oriented
  • Talent-seeker
  • Punctual

The main goal for any Organizer is to devise a perfect event. They will work in every detail to ensure their event is a success. Likewise, organizers are thorough and adept, which curtails mistakes.

The Organizer values structure, precision, and talent. These event management skills create a balanced system for project management. And when it comes to management, balance is everything.

Potential weakness:

Although event management organization is essential, too much structure could hurt your purpose. For instance, satisfying a client with an overextended lunch visit may pay off more than upholding a perfect attendance record at work.

2. The People Person

event managers people person

#1 Goal: Satisfy everyone involved.

Top attributes:

  • Charismatic
  • Team-builder
  • Memorable

People skills can make or break your career. Not only is charisma necessary to network, but your social approach will rub off on your clients and event attendees. The People Person certainly aces the social aspect of event management.

Furthermore, these event managers value interaction, engagement, and relationships. The People Person is a team builder. Sometimes, the People Person has gained his event management education purely from mentoring and experience.

Potential weakness:

The People Person’s affinity for social synergy could obstruct the purpose of the event. Instead of holding productive marketing meetings, the People Person may justify catching lunch with their team on a weekly basis to get to know them better.

3. The Tech Geek

event managers tech geek

#1 Goal: Find solutions.

Top attributes:

  • Innovative
  • Forward-thinking
  • Knowledgeable

The Tech Geek strives to use the latest technology at their events. They understand the growing potency of tech gadgets such as live streaming drones. Most of all, they know how to apply this tech in their industry.

These event managers keep up with the latest event management news to put out the best events. The Tech Geek enhances his strategy at every turn. They look for new ways to communicate with others.

Potential weakness:

The Tech Geek’s fascination with current tech may cause him to devalue proven event management strategies. However, certain tricks of the trade will always be effective. The Tech Geek may need to learn how to balance the new with the old.

4. The Go-Getter

event managers go getter

#1 Goal: Hit the numbers.

Top attributes:

  • Committed
  • Dynamic
  • Progressive

This event manager tackles every event as an opportunity to boost their status. However, the Go-Getter is not arrogant or inconsiderate. He works his way up honestly and effectively by maximizing the impact of every successful event.

The Go-Getter is always researching new techniques and strategies to promote events, grow attendance, and improve customer satisfaction. The Go-Getter seeks event management opportunities to contribute to the industry.

Potential weakness:

Go-Getters are also dreamers. They can sometimes lack presence in their current event. Instead of focusing on the event at hand and how to perfect it, they strategize promotional tactics for after the event.

How to Thrive as Event Managers

how to event managers

The intention of this quiz and article is not to categorize. In fact, every event manager should be able to pick out attributes from each kind that suits their personality. Rather, the quiz only searches for your predominant character to reveal your strengths and vulnerabilities as an event manager.

Similarly, one of the many event managers roles and responsibilities is delegation. You should never expect yourself to be in charge every aspect of an event. After all, an event is a team effort. Learn to delegate to the specialists in your team to maximize the event product.

If you need a team of dedicated videographers and video editors to help with your next undertaking, check out Valoso. Our video production team is the perfect addition to your team of professionals so you can thrive at your next event.

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